Table of Contents

Commit 2016-10-09

Lode parameter

Introduction of the Lode parameter ($\overline{\theta}$) as a new field available at Gauss points, which has been denoted as IF_LODE_PARAMETER. This variable is defined as: $$ \overline{\theta} = 1 - \frac{6\theta}{\pi} = 1 - \frac{2}{\pi}\arccos{\left( \frac{J_3}{\overline{\sigma}} \right)^3} $$ where $\theta$ is the Lode angle, $J_3$ is the third invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor and $\overline{\sigma}$ is the equivalent stress. The range of values of the Lode angle ($\theta$) is $[0,\pi /3]$. The Lode paramater ($\overline{\theta}$), which values always lie in the interval $[-1,1]$, is a normalized version of the Lode angle ($\theta$). This stress state variable will permit the definition of more advanced fracture criteria and damage models.

The respective documentation page has been updated: Doc Fields at Gauss Points.

Rupture Criterion Field

Do not forget to ignore this field if you are not considering fracture in your test.
For ALE: region.ignore(IF_RUPT_CRIT)
For Remeshing: cell.addFieldToIgnore(IF_RUPT_CRIT)


It is now mandatory to include this parameter when using the isotropic version of the Lemaitre-Chaboche continuous damage model.


Fracture criteria

Tests mtParasolid

Test Blanking

Fichiers ajoutés/supprimés

[a]: mtElements\rupture\BaiRuptureCriterion.cpp
[a]: mtElements\rupture\BaiRuptureCriterion.h
[a]: mtElements\rupture\LouRuptureCriterion.cpp
[a]: mtElements\rupture\LouRuptureCriterion.h
[a]: mtElements\rupture\OneParameterRuptureCriterion.cpp
[a]: mtElements\rupture\OneParameterRuptureCriterion.h

Cas tests ajoutés/supprimés

[a]: apps\monosMaterials2\
[a]: apps\monosMaterials2\
[a]: apps\remeshing2\baseTests\
[a]: apps\remeshing2\fullAuto\
[a]: apps\rupture\
[a]: apps\rupture\
[a]: apps\rupture\
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\numisheet1993BM1_blankholder.xmt_txt
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\numisheet1993BM1_die.xmt_txt
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\numisheet1993BM1_punch.xmt_txt
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\numisheet2011BM2_blankholder.xmt_txt
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\numisheet2011BM2_die.xmt_txt
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\numisheet2011BM2_pad.xmt_txt
[a]: mtParasolid\tests\numisheet\numisheet2011BM2_punch.xmt_txt

Cristian 2016/10/09