A set of MeshPoints must sometimes be sorted, usually to reduce a selection. SortingOperators
are objects that can be used to execute this sorting operation.
SortByX0() | Sort by X0 in increasing order |
SortByY0() | Sort by Y0 in increasing order |
SortByZ0() | Sort by Z0 in increasing order |
SortByDX0() | Sort by X0 in decreasing order |
SortByDY0() | Sort by Y0 in decreasing order |
SortByDZ0() | Sort by Z0 in decreasing order |
SortByPos0(lock) | Sort in increasing order by an initial coordinate in a given direction (lock = TX, TY or TZ) |
SortByKsi0(curve) | Project nodes on the curve then sort in increasing order by projected curve abscissa |
SortByDist0(x,y,z) | Sort nodes by increasing distance from the point of coordinates (x,y,z) |
SortByNo() | Sort nodes by increasing user number |
InverseSOp(sOp) | Inverse the effect of the sorting operator to which it is applied |
CombineSOp(sOp1, Sop2) | Combine 2 sortings Operators (applying SOp1 then SOp2) |