====== Large Deformations of Solids [meca0464] ====== ~~NOTOC~~ The access to some links of this page is "Forbidden" if you are not logged-in as a regular user of this website. A unique pair of username/passwd has been created for all the students. These credentials are available on the [[https://www.ecampus.uliege.be/|eCampus]] page related to this course. {{ :teaching:meca0464:please_login.png?nolink |}} ---- ===== Course material ===== * [[https://www.programmes.uliege.be/cocoon/en/cours/MECA0464-1.html|Course description]] * {{ :teaching:private:slides_2024_2025.rar |Lecture notes (2024-2025) }} ---- ===== Calendar for tutorials ===== Participation in tutorials is **mandatory**! In other words, students who are not present at the tutorial sessions won't get any additional support for their project during the semester. |< 100% 8em 7em 16em - >| ^ date ^ time ^ topics ^ goals ^ | 4 oct | 4:15pm-6pm | Introduction to Metafor (1/2) \\ How to install, run Metafor? \\ Guidelines for the project \\ Choice of projects | Metafor runs on your computer. \\ You know how to run/analyse an existing model | | 11 oct | 4:15pm-6pm | Introduction to Metafor (2/2) \\ How to build a model? | You know how to write a new model. \\ You can draw, mesh & load your model. | | 18 oct | 4:15pm-6pm | Lab session (1/4) | Your problem is drawn and meshed. | | 25 oct | 4:15pm-6pm | Lab session (2/4) | Your model runs with a basic set of parameters. | | 29 nov | 2pm-6pm | Lab session (3/4) | 4 more hours to work on your model and ask questions. | | 13 dec | 2pm-6pm | Lab session (4/4) | 4 more hours to work on your model and ask questions. | | 24 dec | 11:59pm | Send report / python code | The project is completed. | ---- ===== Projects ===== ==== 1. Download the code ==== * 💾 [[teaching:private:start|]] ==== 2. Read the documentation ==== * {{ :teaching:private:tutorial.pdf |tutorial.pdf}} ⭐️ updated: 2 oct 2024 * 📄 [[doc:user:start]] ==== 3. Read carefully the instructions ==== * {{ :teaching:private:guidelines_2024.pdf |guidelines.pdf}} ⭐️ updated: 3 oct 2024 ==== 4. Download your project description and start working... ==== |< 100% 220px 20em - >| | {{ :teaching:meca0464:14-hydroform.png?nolink |}} | **14. Tube Hydroforming** \\ \\ {{ teaching:private:14-hydroform.pdf |}} \\ {{ teaching:private:14-hydroform-paper.pdf |}} | {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:ghalem_rayane.jpg?70|}} {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:skouratov_danila.jpg?70|}} | | {{ :teaching:meca0464:19-ring-impact.png?nolink | }} | **19. Impact of 3 rings** \\ \\ {{ :teaching:private:19-ring-impact.pdf |}} \\ {{ :teaching:private:19-ring-impact-paper.pdf |}} | {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:clerfays_alix.jpg?70|}} {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:ernotte_guilain.jpg?70|}} | | {{ :teaching:meca0464:26-snapunit.png?nolink |}} | **26. Metamaterials under Tension** \\ \\ {{ :teaching:private:26-snapunit.pdf |}} \\ {{ :teaching:private:26-snapunit-paper.pdf |}} | {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:adler_joe.jpg?70|}} {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:peters_carmine.jpg?70|}} | | {{ :teaching:meca0464:33-seal-compression.png?nolink |}} | **33. Rubber Seal Compression** \\ \\ {{ :teaching:private:33-seal-compression.pdf |}} \\ {{ :teaching:private:33-seal-compression-paper.pdf |}} | {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:van_den_berghe_jerome.jpg?70|}} | | {{ :teaching:meca0464:37-blankholder.png?nolink |}} | **37. Blankholder with Drawbead** \\ \\ {{ :teaching:private:37-blankholder.pdf |}} \\ {{ :teaching:private:37-blankholder-paper.pdf |}} | {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:chevalier_camille.jpg?70|}} {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:moise_romain.jpg?70|}} | | {{ :teaching:meca0464:38-riveted-lap-joint.png?nolink |}} | **38. Forming of Riveted Lap Joints** \\ \\ {{ :teaching:private:38-riveted-lap-joint.pdf |}} \\ {{ :teaching:private:38-riveted-lap-joint-paper.pdf |}} | {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:bechu_axel.jpg?70|}} {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:hemery_mathis.jpg?70|}} | | {{ :teaching:meca0464:tfe-cleaskens.png?nolink |}} | **FYP. Phase Change with PFEM** \\ {{ :teaching:private:fyp-phasechange_pfem3d.pdf |}} \\ {{ :teaching:private:fyp-phasechange_pfem3d-paper.pdf |}} | {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:claeskens_maxence.jpg?70|}} | | | **FYP. LSDYNA - ALE** | {{:teaching:meca0464:2024:quettier_nathan.jpg?70|}} | ==== 5. Some useful tools ==== * Python code editor: [[https://notepad-plus-plus.org/|Notepad++]], [[https://code.visualstudio.com/|Visual Studio Code]] * Search for files including given keywords: [[http://dngrep.github.io/|dnGrep]] * Convert curves from papers into excel tables: [[http://plotdigitizer.sourceforge.net/|Plot Digitizer]] or [[https://automeris.io/WebPlotDigitizer/|WebPlotDigitizer]] ==== 6. Any questions? ==== * Have you read the documentation? * Have you read the FAQ in the tutorial presentation? * Send an e-mail to [[r.boman@uliege.be|R.Boman]]