====== How to build my own FE model? ====== This page is under construction. Please refer to {{ :teaching:private:tutorial.pdf |}} for up-to-date information {{:doc:user:ico-worker.png?40 |Under construction}} Crushing of a block made of steel by a cylindrical punch {{:doc:user:tutorials:crushing.png|}} What is written in the file tutorial1.py ? * An input file of Metafor is a python module which contains a function getMetafor(p) * This function is supposed to create a Metafor object * The Metafor object is the main object containing everything about a FE simulation (geometry, mesh, boundary conditions, materials, integration scheme, etc.) {{:doc:user:tutorials:getmetafor.png|}} Main idea: The input file creates a complete data structure and returns it to the FE code Data structure of a model {{:doc:user:tutorials:datastructure.png|}} First lines – header of the file # -*- coding: latin-1; -*- # $Id: tutorial1.py 1875 2014-01-02 10:10:56Z boman $ ######################################## # tutorial 1 # #--------------------------------------# # geometrie 2D etat plan defo # # materiau elastoviscoplastique # # a écrouissage isotrope # # definition outil # # contact rigide-defo collant # # archivage + visu courbes # ######################################## # Tutorial from wrap import * import math * coding:latin1 is required for French accentuated characters * miscellaneous comments * import the C++/python interface of the program (remember the wrap folder in the installation tree) * import the math module of python for later use metafor = Metafor() domain = metafor.getDomain() def getMetafor(p={}): return metafor {{ :doc:user:tutorials:datastr01.png|At that point, the data structure simply looks like this}} Creation of an instance of the Metafor class (for now it is almost empty) We name it metafor Any Metafor object contains a Domain object. We retreive the Domain and we name it domain We define the getMetafor() function (same for all models)