====== References ====== In [[doc:user:general:glossaire#Python]], all variables except the most basic ones are references. This means that if ''a'' is an object, ''b=a'' does not copy ''a'' into ''b'', but means that both ''a'' and ''b'' are references pointing towards the same object. When defining a test case in Metafor, references can be used to shorten the corresponding module. For example: geometry = metafor.getDomain().getGeometry() defines a reference, ''geometry'', pointing towards the geometry of the domain. In Metafor documentation, all following references, defined from the basic object ''metafor'', will be used: domain = metafor.getDomain() geometry = domain.getGeometry() pointset = geometry.getPointSet() curveset = geometry.getCurveSet() wireset = geometry.getWireSet() surfaceset = geometry.getSurfaceSet() sideset = geometry.getSideSet() skinset = geometry.getSkinSet() volumeset = geometry.getVolumeSet() interactionset = domain.getInteractionSet() mesh = geometry.getMesh() meshpointset = mesh.getPointSet() materialset = domain.getMaterialSet() lawset = domain.getMaterialLawSet() groupset = geometry.getGroupSet() loadingset = domain.getLoadingSet() valuesmanager = metafor.getValuesManager() tsm = metafor.getTimeStepManager() mim = metafor.getMechanicalIterationManager() tim = metafor.getThermalIterationManager() solvermanager = matafor.getSolverManager ... In the writing of an input file, these references must obviously be defined somewhere, either in the beginning of the [[doc:user:general:glossaire#module]] or, better, just before using them. For instance, the line: domain.getGeometry().getPointSet().define(1, L, h, 0) is replaced in this documentation and in the [[doc:user:general:glossaire#battery]] by: pointset.define(1, L, h, 0)