====== Augmented Lagrangian Method ====== The Augmented Lagrangian method is used to iterate several times over a single time step, to correct contact forces (augmentation) to get a gap $g$ smaller than a given tolerance (defined by the parameters ''PRECONNORMALGAP'' and ''PRECONTANGENTGAP'' of the ''[[doc:user:elements:contact:elements|ElementProperties]]''). Contact forces at the iteration $i$ are written : $$ F = L_i + k_N\,g $$ where $k_N$ is the penalty and $L_i$ the Lagrangian. For the next augmentation, the predicted Lagrangian is $$ L_{i+1} = L_i + k_N\,g $$ or it is extrapolated. The gap tolerance is defined by the properties of the contact element. This accuracy must be given to activate the method. Parameters are set by functions associated to ''metafor.getAugmentedLagrangianManager()'' : alm = metafor.getAugmentedLagrangianManager() alm.setMaxNbOfIterations(itma) where | ''itma'' | maximal number of augmentations for a given time step (by default equal to 10) | ===== Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm ===== ===== Augmented Lagrangian Material ===== ===== Augmented Lagrangian Augmentation Method ===== ===== Augmented Lagrangian Criterion =====