====== Commit 2017-04-XX ======
===== EvpMixtHHypoMaterial =====
Extension of the mixed hardening framework developed in ''EvpMixtHHypoMaterial'' material to consider .
===== Kinematic hardening models =====
Extension of
* ''ArmstrongFrederickKinematicHardening''
* ''DruckerPragerKinematicHardening''
===== YoshidaUemori02KinematicHardening =====
Nonlinear kinematic hardening adapted from the two-surface developed by [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S074964190100050X|Yoshida et al., 2002]]
$$ \dot{X}_{ij}^{yu} = C \left( \dfrac{2}{3}\,a\,D_{ij}^{vp} - \left( \dfrac{\overline{X}_{ij}^{yu}}{\overline{\sigma}} \right)^{\zeta-1}\, \dot{\bar{\varepsilon}}\, X_{ij}^{yu} \right) $$
where $\overline{X}_{yu}^{ij}$ and $\overline{\sigma}$ are the equivalent backstress and the equivalent stress, respectively, which are computed based on the selected yield criterion.
===== Cleaning =====
I have performed a tab cleaning service (~60 files).
===== Fichiers ajoutés/supprimés ======
[a]: YoshidaUemori02KinematicHardening.cpp
[a]: YoshidaUemori02KinematicHardening.h
===== Cas tests ajoutés/supprimés ======
[a]: Hill48v2IsoMixHard.py
[a]: Hill48v2MixHard.py
[a]: YoshidaUemori02CinHEp.py
--- //[[ccanales@ulg.ac.be|Cristian]] 2017/04/XX//