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====== Superplastic forming ======
* Superplasticity is a state in which a material is deformed well beyond its usual breaking point (high T, ultra low strain rates).
* Multisheet superplastic forming of a self-stiffened titanium structure (Sonaca).
* When pressed together, sheets got welded dur to diffusion bonding.
* Optimal pressure cycle is computed in order to stay below a given plastic strain rate.
{{url>//www.youtube.com/embed/e5K1byiIQ-0?rel=0 noborder allowfullscreen}}
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* Importation of an industrial geometry including NURBS curves and surfaces.
* Superplastic Forming with optimization of the applied pressure cycle.
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{{url>//www.youtube.com/embed/D040cZ3HtzQ?rel=0 noborder allowfullscreen}}